Young woman smiling


Please don’t wait to seek gingivitis treatment in Carol Stream, IL

If you had an infection the size of a tennis ball anywhere else on your body, you would get medical treatment without question. Yet infected gums are easy to disregard because initially they are not painful. However, ignoring gum disease can jeopardize your smile and your health. Fortunately, if you are in the Carol Stream, IL area, effective gingivitis treatment is close by at Park Dental Center.

What’s gingivitis?

The warm, moist cavity of your mouth hosts hundreds of strains of oral bacteria. Which varieties you have and their tendency to multiply is usually a combination of DNA (heredity) and overall wellness. When harmful strains overpopulate, their acidic excretions irritate gums. Insufficient oral hygiene is usually one of the gingivitis causes, so there may also be buildup of tartar, hardened bacterial plaque, at the gumline triggering further irritation. When gum tissue becomes inflamed and infected, the condition is called severe gingivitis.

Recognizing gingivitis symptoms

Without treatment, gingivitis progresses to periodontitis. Periodontitis attacks ligaments and bone that anchor teeth. Bacteria responsible for gum disease can also enter the bloodstream, lungs, and digestive tract increasing risk of grave health problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

If you have these symptoms, make an appointment at Park Dental Care right away:

  • Puffy gums
  • Discolored gum tissue
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Bleeding when you floss or brush
  • Pink seepage on your pillowcase
  • Receding gums (teeth look longer)
  • Tooth sensitivity (caused by exposed root structure)

Intercept serious problems with gingivitis treatment in Carol Stream, IL

Once periodontal disease has begun to destroy hard tissues, the damage cannot be completely reversed. Treatment then focuses on controlling the infection effectively.

The good news is that a gingivitis cure is possible! With early-stage intervention, population of harmful pathogens can be reduced or eliminated before tissue destruction occurs.

The first step is a deep cleaning to remove bacteria, plaque, and tartar from the mouth and below the gumline. These hygiene visits may be recommended more frequently than twice a year to monitor and manage gingivitis. Your dentist may prescribe oral or topical antibiotics, a gingivitis mouthwash, or a special toothpaste. You discuss diet and lifestyle habits that contribute to the condition and receive oral hygiene instruction. Dr. Evelyn and Dr. Britly encourage you to call 630-556-8880 for gingivitis treatment at Park Dental Care in Carol Stream, IL.

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